Inside a cavernous unfinished warehouse, Somerville’s AERONAUT BREWING CO. opened 2014 and soon after began operations at nearby Aeronaut Cannery. Just off Union Square down an alleyway to a glass-doored entrance, the huge cement-floored indoor facility features simple cafeteria tables and plastic seats plus a 20-plus seat L-shaped bar. Already crafting 100-plus seasonal, one-off and recurring brews in its first six years, Aeronaut has annually increased capacity.

My wife and I grab a folding chaired table near the Venezuelan cuisine booth in a dank room left of the bar area while others brave the cold March ’21 dinnertime breeze at the benched picnic tables outside.

We tried the flagship pilsner and a mocha dessert treat before heading to Boston’s Little Italy for an exquisite meal at Rabia’s Dolce Fumo.

Mild lager-malted Robot Crush coalesced lightly spiced apricot-dried peach tones with earthen raw-honeyed minerality and quaint Citra-hopped lemony orange zest.

Bittersweet creme bruleed dark chocolate engaged caramel-roasted Creme Brulee Pastry Stout, leaving dried cherry, vanilla cream and toffee illusions on the back end.

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