Opened 1997, English-German-styled BULL & BUSH PUB inhabits a freestanding brown-striped barn-like building in Cherry Creek section of Denver. visited August ‘07. Covered outdoor deck, main and backroom dining sections, and quaint cushioned lounge area with hearth supplement left side copper-topped bar. Multitudinous Scotch-bourbon-liqueur-cognac selection pleases hard-liners while filling burgers-nachos-quisedillas complement brewer Gabe Moline’s well-rounded brews.
House fave, Man Beer IPA, placed woody-hopped dry rye against apple-cherry-nectar-pear sweetness and grapefruit-currant bittering. Styptic corn-oats-dried, diacetyl-vegetal-weakened, lemon-soured Happy Hop Pilsner, astringently alcoholic floral-fruited hay-dried Allgood Amber Ale, and pallid fig-raisin-nut-blurred toffee-molasses-teased Big Ben Brown Ale appease mainstreamers. Soured pepper-hopped lemon-bruised banana-clove-dried vanilla-bubblegum-tinged Hail Brau Hefeweizen hit the spot.
Highly intoxicating elixirs included lactose milk chocolate-y coffee-roasted tea-ridged Stonehenge Stout, candied apple-sweet, creamy caramel clustered, bourbon-cognac-finishing Release The Hounds Barleywine, and candi-sugared cinnamon-coriander-spiced orange-cherry-banana-bruised spice rum-licked 36th Anniversary Belgian Amber. Beyond summer solstice, excellent Yule Fuel Winter Warmer rushed nutmeg overtures into cinnamon, coriander, and sugared fig expectancy.