Cult Classic Brewery 1169 Shopping Center Rd Stevensville, MD Pubs -  MapQuest


At a sprawling shopping mall in the Kent Island-bound town of Stevensville (fifteen minutes east of Annapolis), CULT CLASSIC BREWERY & TAPROOM opened in 2018. A glass-windowed closed-in front patio with black metal furnishings leads to the movie-themed taproom (a former grocery store).

Inside, the family friendly pub run by head brewers Jesse and Brooks Mc New offers a popular assortment of stylish brews to go alongside wings-pizza-burgers. Running a home brew shop for twenty years before Cult Classic culminated, the Mc New’s sought to offer a live venue for local music artists as well.

The cement-floored, gray-walled interior features a small stage area fronting the Edison-lighted elongated bar. Colorful framed pictures of glitzy Hollywood theatre stars jazz up the snazzy place.

A large brew room windowing the spacious 12-plus draught bar contains an array of silver stainless steel tanks and its bulky size allows for imminent expansion. Special Cult-tails such as mules, White Russians, vodka crushes and Margaritas are also available.

My wife and I grab seats at the bar and try eight fine libations.

Cult Classic Brewing Company – beer! cocktails! pizza! wings!Attack of the Strawberry Blonde! - Cult Classic Brewing Co. - Untappd

Summery centrist flagship, Attack Of The Strawberry Blonde!, allowed candied strawberry tartness to fade softly above delicate hop astringency to its wispy white wheat base.

Lemony banana-coriander sweetness and mandarin orange snips caressed honeyed wheat for summery light-bodied Witbier.

Raw-grained sour mash swept across herbal Noble hops for Kolsch, an easygoing straw-cleared moderation.

Soft-tongued sour ale, Proof Of Life – Pink Guava/Blueberry, plied subtle pink guava salting to mild blueberry tartness and pleasant passionfruit whims.

Pureed blood orange moderation, Equals Beer, a variant IPA, let spritzy grapefruit-tangerine zesting tickle its amber-grained biscuit base.

Enthusiastic New England-styled The IPA When the Earth Stood Still brought tropical grapefruit, orange, pineapple, peach, mango and nectarine sunshine to its sugary pale malt retreat.

Pine-dried grapefruit, orange and tangerine bittering burst forth for Zappa IPA, a briskly clean, less authentic New England-styled version.

Robust English-styled Porter let dark-roasted mocha nuttiness top toffee-spiced dried fruiting contrasting scant hop char.

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