Occupying a refurbished red brick firehouse just off Main Street in Nashua, LIQUID THERAPY began its journey around Thanksgiving in 2018. Entrepreneurial ‘shrinks’ Jason Palmer and Stanley Tremblay craft a wide variety of diversified beers in Liquid Therapy’s spotless neo-Industrial space.
An L-shaped laminated wood bar with twelve-plus stainless steel draught handles, fifteen seats and hanging Edison lights services the surrounding metal-wood tables.
Utilizing clean Kveik-styled Lutra yeast, Nordic Wit revealed easygoing lemon zesting that outlasted orange-peeled coriander spicing, tannic green grape musk, limey soapstone and mild herbage above blanched wheat-flaked base of dryer stylish moderation.
Lactic-soured guava, gooseberry and green grape tartness interspersed yellow grapefruit bittering, orange peel sweetness, salted mango-pineapple juicing and lemon curd piquancy for Tropical Dream, a sweeping NEIPA with resinous wood shards contrasting vanilla creaming to its citric marmalade finish.
A lactic cryo-hopped triple IPA, Juicy Monster, let pureed mango and guava tang pick up tart passionfruit sentiment and floral-daubed clementine-tangerine sweetness as its clean 12% juniper vodka-like lacquering soaked thru.
Murkily beige-bronzed golden stout, White Chocolate Black Raz, stayed washed-out as vanilla-creamed white chocolate sweetness and tart raspberry spritz faded into semi-harsh hop astringency.
As for the sours, fizzy green-hued Blue Wave went down like cotton-candied blue raspberry soda as its spritz lemon lime-candied Seltzer flow and mild acidity punctuated tart Skittles pucker.
Lemonhead-candied kettle sour, Lemon Head Sour, let mildly acidic Seltzer-like lemon lime fizz shadow mild herbal lemongrass pungency above its acidulated white wheat base.
Ultra-dry Tiki Punch fell short of Tropical Hawaiian Punch descriptive as it lacked sugar sweetness against lemon-limed powdered candy sourness, vinous white grape esters, tart peach whim and chaffed wheat desiccation. Sourheads only need apply.