Inside a yellowed corrugated aluminum overhead-doored shop at the lower Connecticut River Valley, RULE OF 3 BREWING opened for biz August ’22. Manned by astute local brewers Scott Cross and John Vitale, Rule of 3 hopes to bring “innovative spins on classic styles to activate taste buds.”

Inside, the high ceilinged cement-floored pub relies on the simple splendor of a lacquer wood top 14-seat bar (with 12 draughts), a few wood community tables and two TV’s.

My wife and I visited mid-afternoon, March ’25, trying all eight highly approachable brews before landing at Casius Farm’s 2nd annual fest.

Brisk lemon-spiced golden lager, Patio Party, received celery-watered crisping and slight hay-dried leathering for its pale malt base.

Reliable Twisted Trickster Pale Ale let spiced red and yellow fruiting and mild herbage reach lightly charred hop bittering.

Sessionable IPA, Kidder, shone zesty lemony yellow grapefruit bittering and sweet orange peel tanginess upon light hop pining.

Just as easygoing, tropical New England IPA, Goon City, sprinkled lemon zest upon salty guava tartness, grassy hop astringency and distant herbage.

Offbeat copper-bronzed Ol’ Einstein Brown Ale guided mild chestnut sweetness into bland orange oiling.

Steadfast vanilla porter, Mage, secured rich dark chocolate malting to mild vanilla creaming over sugary maple oats.

Cinnamon and nutmeg spicing given light powder sugaring for wondrously confectionery winter warmer, Saint Krampus, leaving dry tobacco roast on its back end.

Mighty molasses-sapped maple stout, Heckyl & Clyde, draped syrupy maple upon milk-sugared coffee, caramelized chocolate and honeyed oatmeal.

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