Middling Bavarian-styled lager brings toasted caramel sweetness to apple-skinned orange and tangerine swipes and distant green grape esters in mossy setting.

On tap at Growler & Gill, mellow amber lager plies floral perfume-spiced orange, tangerine and clementine tanginess to gluey Vienna malts for sessionable mediocrity.
Toasted amber grains receive sweet toffee snag and musky brown tea earthiness for dry blue collar moderation. Serve to all macrobrew hounds as better alternative.
On tap at Plank Pizza, brewed in collaboration with legendary Jersey high school basketball coach, soft perfume-spiced citrus tang pleats delicate pilsner malting for briskly easygoing Cascade-hopped moderation.
On tap at Draught Industries, unfiltered springtime ‘hoppy lager’ (with thin pale clear hue) waveringly shuttles candied lemon tang, musty herbal dryness and mild piney hop bittering (of an IPA) to pasty raw-honeyed pale malting.
On tap at Growler & Gill, dry Saaz-hopped bark wood astringency and bruised lemon spritz offer tidily moderate bittering to rustic barley-corn base, recalling a mild citric-pined IPA in spots.
Stylishly bold ruby copper-hued amber lager loads caramel-toasted cereal graining upon spicy red-orange fruiting, honeyed nuttiness and leafy hop astringency of dependable flagship.
On tap at Growler & Gill, easygoing moderation retains musky grain rusticity. Raw-honeyed amber grain toasting receives cellared fungi dampness, dewy peat mossing and hay-like hop astringency of an English bitter. Well beneath the surface, spritzy yellow fruiting contrasts green tea bittering.
On tap at 98 Cannon – Chestertown, Md., resilient amber lagered ‘common beer’ (a.k.a. California-styled Steam Beer utilizing lager yeast at warmer ale temperatures) brings fruity pale ale disposition to lightly pungent piney hopped herbage contrasting toasted caramel malting. Modest grapefruit-peeled orange rind bittering stays easygoing while rustic earthen grain minerality rides below.
Straight-ahead dry lager offers musky earthen leathering, desiccated orange spritz, grassy hop astringency and bready sourdough malting. Better than less decisive lagers, if not truly distinct as a sessionable moderation.
Halfway dependable moderation brings mild barley-toasted caramel sweetness to slightly coarse raw-honeyed molasses astringency and acrid corn-stalked dry hopping circa 2018.
On tap at The Oath, straightforward year-round all-malt amber lager stays robust. Sturdy Vienna, barley and pilsner malting gain caramelized sugaring. Mild raw-honeyed spicing and tempered hop musk recede carefully above doughy baked bread bottom. Excellent.