On tap at Shepherd & Knucklehead, casual dry-spiced medium body with laidback pumpkin pie entry gains sharp hop bite as muddled cinnamon-nutmeg-allspice seasoning splashes lively ginger herbage. A splash of spiced rum adds boozy tinge to phenol backdrop. In the bottle, 2014 version plied cinnamon-toasted pumpkin pie sweetness to light gingerbread, nutmeg and allspice illusions. On tap at Mac Murphy’s, more distinct 2016 version brought sparkly sugar spicing to pumpkin-pureed nutmeg-allspice-cinnamon seasoning, recessive pulpy pumpkin-seeded gourd vegetalia and subtle red cherry snips.

Blue Point Beers at Rattle N Hum Event | GreatBrewers.





Located in Patchogue’s industrial section one mile southeast of Brickhouse Brewery on River Street lies medium-scale craft beer operation, BLUE POINT BREWING COMPANY. Proving to be ‘way cool’ with their free Saturday afternoon 3-sampler offerings and covered outdoor deck, Blue Point was founded in 1997 by avid home brewers Mark Burford and Peter Cotter. Besides having an expansive bottling line, these motivated craftsmen aim to please the local minions that put ’em on the map.

Inside a pale blue garage-like shack, Blue Point’s green-walled tasting room features eighteen tap handles on three fountain heads plus a gorgeously tiled bar top (with sketches of ancient Middle East zymurgists, Abbey monks and brewing regalia), two pews and one large refrigerator (with bottled selections to go).

Joining the casual atmosphere amongst cousins and friends, April 2013, my wife and I order our samples and grab the table across from the bar. Served from the large silver vats located in two separate adjoining rooms, each tapped offering found its own pleasant niche.

First, fruit-dried Spring Fling picked up bitter grapefruit-orange tones and sugared fig-date illusions atop a firm wood-hopped base.

Next, citric-bound Mosaic IPA brought lemon-pitted navel orange, mandarin orange, tangerine and marmalade fruiting to brisk piney-hopped bittering.

As our clan moved outside to the deck area, I reached for the robust Oatmeal Stout, with its oats-flaked toasting and smoked chocolate malts contrasting coffe-roasted hop charred bitterness. Molasses-glazed walnut and hazelnut as well as sour black cherry undertones filled out the backend.

For an amazing pre-dinner closer, sipped Old Howling Bastard (2013 limited edition). A 10% alcohol barleywine based on No Apologies Imperial IPA, its cherry-pureed dried fruiting and creamy caramel malting sweetened rum raisin, sugar plum and honey nut undertones.
