Tag Archives: cream stout


All St. Peter’s brews bought in unusual small-neck flask-shaped green pint bottles. As best of the bunch, this robust midnight black stout juxtaposes smoked peat, charred oats, burnt toast, and soy milk against lactic sweet chocolate thrust. Silken cappuccino finish picks up roasted coffee bean souring and curt chicory penetration as molasses, vanilla, cookie dough, tobacco chew, and anise illusions gain luster alongside cola-walnut coarsening. Tertiary taffy-cocoa twinge bide time. St. Peter himself sips these at the pearly gates of heaven.


Polite maple sap scent, rich burgundy palate, brown-sugared cocoa chalking, oncoming prune sourness, and roasted barley thickness consume savory lactose-aided deep brown-hued sipping stout. Some addictive characteristics reminiscent of Watney’s Red Barrel persist: blood-thickened mouthfeel; exquisite hop bouquet; and lusty caramel malts. Sweet milk chocolate creaminess soothes rather than dominates for an exceptional stout so heavily yeast-fermented and viscously full-bodied only the keg version could beat.


Frothy jet-black cream stout with scattered bronze lace merges slick chocolate-milked sweetness with vanilla hazelnut coffee romp as hop-toasted charred oats thicken molasses-tarred resolve. Slight astringency blocks resinous raisin-prune subsidy and wispy cherry tartness. Mild black chocolate finish picks up ethereal creaminess. 2017 re-tasting: Creamy dairy-free full body offers ten specialty malts to create caramel-burnt chocolate syruping, maple molasses sugaring and vanilla-spiced nuttiness above ashen dark-roast hop bittering.