Composed mahogany-hued dank-scented cream stout consumed by soft-watered chocolate-roasted barleymalts. Though not as creamy as outstanding high-level competition, bitter cocoa and rich hazelnut fulfill desired milder template.
Tag Archives: cream stout
All St. Peter’s brews bought in unusual small-neck flask-shaped green pint bottles. As best of the bunch, this robust midnight black stout juxtaposes smoked peat, charred oats, burnt toast, and soy milk against lactic sweet chocolate thrust. Silken cappuccino finish picks up roasted coffee bean souring and curt chicory penetration as molasses, vanilla, cookie dough, tobacco chew, and anise illusions gain luster alongside cola-walnut coarsening. Tertiary taffy-cocoa twinge bide time. St. Peter himself sips these at the pearly gates of heaven.
Moderately rich mahogany-marooned lactose stout issues creamy coffee froth to chocolate-roasted burnt caramel malting, settling into ashen black tar, charcoal and wood charred bitterness as lacey tan engulfs glass. But foamy carbolic fizz and harsh nutty dryness dissolve mocha banter by irresolute coffee bean finish.