On tap, murky fruity malt aroma fits dark berry pleasantries and nut grain bitterness like a glove. Teasing hops tickle the tongue while impenetrable caramel malts provide much-needed assertion. A smidgen less imaginative and too watery and inconsequential than serious Dortmunder-styled lager competition. In bottle, dank-smelling German-styled light body brings unwanted metallic twinge to phenol citric-berry lark, benign sourdough breading, and washed-out nut grain bittering. Impenetrable caramel malting needs better assertion and leathery straw-hay earthiness gets acrid. Off-putting corn-oiled splotch blotches floral-spiced alacrity.
Tag Archives: dortmunder lager
Traditional tea-colored eggshell-headed Dortmunder lager offers dry Scotch frontage to soft-grained wheat-toasted hop-roasted mildness, but tinny metallic finish and delusional nutty bittering lower potential. Best consumed from 1-gallon pony kegs, where delicate sweet and sour malting juxtaposes polite hop bitterness above watery texture for refined elegance.