Tart Flemish Red Ale brings light balsamic vinegaring to white-wined grape esters as well as leathery oaken cherry, sour plum, unripe raspberry and phenolic Band-Aid nuances gain sour edge.

On tap at Ambulance, tannic ruddy amber Flemish-styled red ale (aged in red wine barrels) drapes balsamic vinegar atop oaken cherry tartness and leathery barnyard funk. Sharp cherry-cranberry-crabapple souring submerges musky grape skin tannins and dry limey bittering.
On tap at Ambulance, lemon-fizzed sour cherry pucker sustains sharpness as mild lime-salted acidity and vinous oak tannins prop up sour edge of dryer than expected Flemish red ale.
On tap at Abominable Snowfest (aged two years in French oak barrels), heavily acidic sour ale ain’t for the faint of heart but will delight all brettanomyces punks. Oaken cherry tartness heightens vinous yellow grape tannins, sharp lemon-juiced Italian vinaigrette pungency and sour red raspberry pucker over leathery horse-blanketed acridity.
Seemly ‘Flanders meets Chicago’ collaboration between America’s Two Brothers and Belgian’s Urthel Brewery places up-front hard cider sharpness next to Flemish-styled cherry sourness. Beet-sugared cranberry tartness seeps into funky fungi-molded wildflower yeast midst while tart hard-candied green apple backdrop fortifies lemon-dried white grape piquancy and dehydrated orange lull.
Crisp golden pale ale celebrates regional Flanders breweries with complex yeast strain, mild citric bittering, and herbaceous wisp. Sharp carbolic perk enlivens cork-y quirk, spry lemony grapefruit tang, tropical papaya-kiwi tease, and lavender-backed chamomile-spearmint-eucalyptus frolic. Fruity adjuncts further sweetened by butterscotch and banana bread illusions.
Brewed specifically for Philadelphia’s terrific Monk’s Cafe, indelible russet ruby Flanders Oud Bruin plies vinous green-yellow-red grape tannins to lactic-soured oaken vanilla insistence, allowing puckered lemon-dried apple, cranberry, and cherry tartness to reach fruition over leathery horseblanket acridity. Tertiary white peach, banana and raspberry melee begets dry sherry finish of debonair moderation.
Complex flaxen-hazed pale ale with explosive carbonation and whimsy 9% alcohol flow evokes expressive wild yeast perfuming. Initial lemony orange-bruised mandarin orange zest spreads across floral-herbal breadth, bitter juniper snip, and leathery dry-corked horse blanket waft. Tropical pineapple-mango-peach-cherry medley turns sour at crowded midst. Orange marmalade, dried fig, sharp cider, and ginger-clove-eucalyptus nuance enliven vanilla malting to mineral-grained bottom.