Tag Archives: hefeweiss


Smooth unfiltered German-style wheat ale softens up-front banana dominance with sweet yeast influence, spicy clove insistence, and teasing herbal resonance. Durable overripe banana finish embittered nicely by frisky lemon peeled hop stead. 2011 version upped the banana sweetness and deepened the cardamom-coriander-clove spicing.


Enchanting lemony banana-clove essence, burrowed sourdough recline and amiable butterscotch subtlety consume hearty frothy-headed golden-clouded medium body. Natural yeast sediment coats crisp citric flourish, subtle floral bouquet and biscuit-y wheat foundation as spicy hop fizz advances. In comparison to Wiehenstephaner Hefeweiss, doughy sweetness seems creamier. The perfect German hefe not far removed from drier, fruitier Belgian ales.