Bigger amber ale variant allows rummy caramelized apple and pear sweetness plus dainty floral-daubed perfume spicing to reach toasted cereal grain sugaring. OK, but gluey cardboard pastiness and rustic hop murk deviate.
Tag Archives: KOMES
Superb richly creamed top-fermented English-styled barleywine (with plush ruby browned body and well hidden 12% ABV)) brings caramelized dried fruiting to dewy peat mossing and delicate floral spicing. Brown-sugared dried cherry, plum and raisin resonate alongside subtle burgundy, brandy and bourbon licks, picking up candied molasses sweetness. Possibly the best Polish beer marketed in US.
Rich Polish Baltic Porter brings semi-sweet dark milk chocolate to caramel-burnt molasses sugaring and latent dried fruiting over maple-sapped mocha malting. At the midst, cocoa-dried chocolate resonance picks up dark-roast coffee tones to embitter ashen wood-burnt hop char as recessive prune-raisin-plum conflux and distant pumpernickel, pipe tobacco, toffee, walnut and carob flour illusions soak into the mighty mocha mass.