Bitter black chocolate nuttiness and ashen wood-burnt hop char reinforce dry template of tan-headed, obisian-bodied Irish stout. Raw molasses bittering adds musky viscosity to tarry mocha gunk and latent black licorice licks kick in latently.

On tap at Growlers To Go – Kitty Hawk, dewy peat sweetness, chocolate truffle fungi and caraway-seeded pumpernickel breading reap benefits for crisply clean Scotch-dried wee heavy.
Dark-roast coffee bean bittering strengthened by black chocolate malting and seared nut remnant. Beneath persistent coffee theme lies distant blackberry brandy bramble and dried fig-date mustiness.
Formerly Full Moon Cafe, protruding red brick complex, LOST COLONY BREWERY, began brewing operations during 2011. One of the premier restaurants on sportsman’s haven, Roanoke Island, in the bay town of Manteo, its three separate entities come together as one full-fledged cafe, restaurant and beer haven.
First, there’s the shaded wraparound patios surrounding the front entrance and side street. Next, a casual left side Pub with eight-seat bronze-topped serving station, five laminated wood tables, colorful homebrew logo t-shirts, three TV’s and nautical paraphernalia appeals to seasoned brewhounds.
A cafe-styled family dining area with six-seat mahogany bar, six small tables and beautiful sea blue ceiling (with choice pub fare emanating from the back kitchen) marks the cozy interior.
Since Lost Colony’s former brew room (inside the Pub) became too crowded, a few years back operations moved offsite to southwest fishing village, Stumpy Point. Newcomers should check out Lost Colony’s funny Youtube commercials.
On my initial July ’18 dinnertime journey, my wife enjoyed hummus and steak quesadillas while I chowed down seared tuna. Staying close to standard stylistic recipes, each of the eight calculated brews available matched or exceeded expectations.
Briskly carbolic Lost Colony Kitty Hawk Blonde’s yellow fruit spicing picked up musky herbal hop astringency to contrast its crisp barley roast and caramel-toasted sourdough base.
Simple dry moderation, Stumpy Point Pale Ale, slung tangy yellow grapefruit zest at peppery herbs.
Sweet tea-like Irish red ale, Hatteras Red, retained caramel-malted barley sweetness and crisp tobacco roast. Similarly, tea-sugared Kill Devil Hills Scotch Ale tossed toffee-like caramel malts at distant honeyed fruiting.
Despite its muskier earthen hop bittering and biscuity pale malt base, Brit-styled Nags Head IPA seemed suspiciously Americanized as floral orange-peeled grapefruit tropicalia and whispering pine tones came forward.
Musty earthen nuttiness rallied Raleigh Buxton Brown Ale, a dry English-styled moderation with spicy pale-chocolate malting.
Irish-styled dry body, Charon Stout, tossed molasses-spiced brown chocolate and dark cocoa at latent fig-date illusions.
Soft-toned carafa-chocolate malting marked Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch Imperial Stout, scattering recessive hazelnut-sugared dried fruiting on the light mocha finish.