Tag Archives: pale lager


Apparently Bacardi (the rum co.) brought this Cuban recipe (pronounced ah-tway) to America for the masses. Orange-yellow hue, caramel-malt aroma, and creamy up-front sweetness settle into syrupy 5.5% alcohol fueled dud. Much too processed for serious consumption, but in line with sweet barley-based Caribbean’s such as Red Stripe and Carib Pilsner.


Brewed with highly fermented yeast, bubble-headed musty-scented pale-toned Asian retains dank grain malting, soft hop fizz, and buttery rice nicety. Barley sweetness smoothed out by dry watery finish. Though undeniably relaxing, experienced drinkers will be left craving for more flavor and body consistency.


Classic macrobrewed bottled-canned beer saturated Wisconsin and Illinois market during the Seventies. Brassy barleycorn and lackadaisical dry hops encounter nasty citrus funk before unripe peach fizz halfway redeems it. Tinny cerel-grained cornmeal finish gets slushy. Still betters Coors, Bud, and Miller.