Tag Archives: pale lager


Succinct amber-browned lager with pervasive mineral grain frontage, lively fruit-spiced insistence, and muted chocolate-vanilla trace coalescing grassy Saaz hop bittering, finishing smooth, crisp, and richly full-bodied. Apple-candied apricot-orange subsidy pleats caramelized Vienna malting. A formidable winner!


Best bought in 1-quart bottles, this refined, pale-bodied, bubbly-carbonated Bavarian-styled pilsner features iconic sharp-hopped barley roasted Scotch palate. Possessing decent body and recognizably sticky sweet malt luster, modest American classic is a fine stepping stone to more charismatic beers. Serve to hearty beginners. However, stay away from the canned version, which borders on cloying as soapy malts enjoin weak barley influence for lower-tiered cheaper quality brew.