Mild pumpkin spicing nearly pushed aside by lemony ginger snap and butternut squash earthiness. Needs more prevalent cinnamon, clove, allspice and nutmeg seasoning by the bland gourd finish.

Richly well-orchestrated pumpkin pureed cannoli pastry knockoff maintains sugar dough-powdered sweetness as sharp cinnamon-clove-nutmeg spicing digs into vanilla-creamed pumpkin coffee onrush, picking up wispy red apple bruise, orange peel twist and glazed hazelnut swag. To partially counter all the lovely sweetness, meaty squash-roasted gourd earthiness and slight herbage enter the fray. May overwhelm more restrictive palates.
Roasted pumpkin salting and earthen butternut squash edge out docile pumpkin pie spicing as herbal ginger minting, zesty lemon spritz and slight wood varnish outlast lightly brown-sugared nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, clove and star anise seasoning above modest crystal malted wheat base.
On tap at Taphouse 15, dewy pumpkin seeded salting meets mild autumn spicing for easygoing pumpkin ale. Pumpkin-skinned butternut squash sedation contrasts tingly clove-nutmeg-cinnamon spicing and dried orange residue.
On tap at Hoover’s Tavern, earthen pumpkin seeded salting drifts inside sweet crystal-malted pumpkin pie spicing and light vanilla creaming, leaving sharp cider residue on rangy autumnal moderation.