On tap at Ambulance, fine collaboration with LIC Beer Project puts mildly acidic passionfruit sourness and brisk lemony guava-kumquat tartness ahead of dextrin-like pilsner malts. Dry herb-tinged barnyard backdrop soaks up sweet ‘n sour tropical fruiting towards the finish.
Tag Archives: sour saison
On tap at Ambulance, dryly sour saison (aged in neutral oak barrels) utilizes black-peppered grains of paradise spicing to scour barnyard-desiccated spelt and oats graining as mild brettanomyces funk provides sufficient acidity. Carbolic lemon spritz, green apple tartness, green grape esters and wispy passionfruit snips lightly affect piquant grains of paradise juicing.
On tap at Poor Henry’s, splendid sour saison eases grape-soured lemondrop tartness into honeyed pale malting, picking up sweet banana-spiced snip to contrast leathery barnyard aridity.